Do pharmaceutical companies have any moral responsibility to ensure their products are not consumed illegitimately?

Week 7 ethics discussion post

Discussion Prompt

Select one of the three prompts below to respond to in your initial post this week. You are encouraged to respond to peers that explored the prompts that you did not.

Prompt 1

Is it ethical for companies to require employees to take a polygraph test before they are hired or promoted? Would your answer be different if the company made products from a secret formula that competitors have so far been unsuccessful in imitating? What benefit do companies accrue if ethics is made a part of their corporate culture?

Prompt 2

Sometimes liquor and tobacco companies create ads that link the consumption of its goods with popularity, love, friendship, and financial success.

Do you think this is ethical?
Would your answer change if the company engaged in some Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by occasionally publishing an ad that stressed the importance of consuming their product responsibly?
Be sure to include the perspectives of social contract theory and virtue ethics in your responses.
Prompt 3

Opioid addiction continues to be a cause for national and global concern. Each year, hundreds of thousands wind up in the black market to be sold illegally. Some government organizations, such as a congressional crime committee, believe that pharmaceutical companies cannot be blamed if their products are used illegally.

Do pharmaceutical companies have any moral responsibility to ensure their products are not consumed illegitimately?
How would you recognize an ethical pharmaceutical company – what are its characteristics?
Which organization should be held morally culpable for solving this issue?
Be sure to include the perspectives of social contract theory and virtue ethics in your responses.