What are some of the symptoms if you are deficient in your vitamin/mineral? What are the long term consequences? Health issues?

Vitamin and Mineral Presentations Discussion

Choose three vitamins or minerals from the available lists on your lecture slides or text. You should have at least one vitamin or mineral (don’t chose all three vitamins, or all three minerals):

1. What are good sources in your diet?

2. What are the recommended daily intakes and upper limits?

3. What functions do your vitamin/mineral perform in your body

4. What are some of the symptoms if you are deficient in your vitamin/mineral? What are the long term consequences? Health issues?

5. How is your vitamin/mineral absorbed? What is it’s bio availability for absorption? Are there other vitamins or minerals that either compete with it for absorption or facilitate absorption?

6. Put together a meal that would be a good source for your three chosen micronutrients. Be sure to list the ingredients and why they are good sources.