How do you plan on investing their funds – why? How often will you review the Plan

Finance Management: Personal Budget Report

Part 2 B: (must be completed in Excel) – Scenario Analysis: 

Run at least 3 different scenarios to see the impact of decisions.  Some examples may include:

What happens if you delay start of Savings for 5 years?

What happens if you work 3 more years?

What if the interest rate is higher/lower?

What if you have more to save after student loans are paid off?

Part 3: (must be turned in Word Via SafeAssign) – Reflection

Once you are completed with the three sections above write a page or two on what you learned from this project. This is open ended but expect at a minimum of 1 page as a write up.  Reflection could include but is not limited to the following questions:

What did you learn?

Was there anything unexpected?

What changes will you be making as a result?

How do you plan on investing their funds – why? How often will you review the Plan?

What benefits are there to budgeting?

What specific changes will you make as a result of this assignment?