Explain this individual’s role in American society, how they adapted to the times,-what characteristics they embodied-exemplified.

History Academic Paper


1) During the Gilded Age and Progressive Era of United States history, there were different forms of racial and ethnic oppressions facing people across the “color line.” In two cases or examples, explain how people negotiated with and resisted imposed oppressions. Be sure to explain the how of the oppression as well as the forms of resistance taken.

2) Choose one person who you learned about and identified with from the histories we have read this semester. Explain this individual’s role in American society, how they adapted to the times, and what characteristics they embodied or exemplified. Why do you identify with that person and their predicament?

3) In at least two examples, explain how the lens of social history, i.e. race, class and gender, improves how we understand and learn from the American past. How does it make the past usable in the present?