Explain ways in which public policies are linked to racial-ethnic disparities within the criminal justice system.

Competency 1: Describe theoretical ideas of power in relation to policy.
Create a public information piece that conveys a central tenet regarding institutional inequality.
Competency 3: Analyze the effects of social policy using aggregated data.
Analyze data to make valid sociological inferences.
Competency 4: Analyze how laws are applied or created based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and social class.
Describe factors contributing to racial and ethnic disparities within the criminal justice system.
Assess the impact that institutional discrimination within the justice system has had on minorities and minority communities.
Explain ways in which public policies are linked to racial and ethnic disparities within the criminal justice system.
Describe policy strategies for reducing institutional discrimination.
Competency 6: Communicate effectively.
Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format and with few errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics.