What other data are needed for treatment planning, and how-from where would you plan to obtain the required data?

Counseling Case Study Essay

Essay Questions

Answer the following:

Assume the role of counselor for one of the individuals, the couple, or the family in the case presented. Respond to each of the following comprehensive exam questions in essay format. Be sure to give attention to each element of each of the questions.

Discuss your client(s) from an assessment perspective. Include (as a minimum) responses to each of the following:

Address any issues that are related to or that impacts the case that requires your attention or influence your work with this client (s). To fully answer this question, you are to identify the stage/phase/level/process of development as it applies to a specific theory, describe the stage, evaluate the case in light of expected achievements and formulate implications and needs for counseling.

What other data are needed for treatment planning, and how and from where would you plan to obtain the required data?

Identify one psychometric test you would use to obtain data for assessment purposes? Briefly describe the test and the rationale for your selection of the test.

What multicultural issues are or may be relevant from an assessment perspective?

What legal and ethical issues are or might be relevant from an assessment perspective?

Explain how you would plan to work with your client(s) from a group work perspective, given what you know at this time. Include responses to each of the following:

Identify the type of group and your rationale for selecting this type of group (e.g., task group, psychoeducational group, counseling group, or therapy group).

Describe the structure, logistics, and elements of group processes (e.g., group composition, scheduling concerns, implementation steps) that would be most critical in your planning.

Identify and briefly describe the issues/topics that you would address and tell your reasons for these choices.

Identify and briefly describe the strategies and techniques that you would use and tell your reasons for these choices.

What multicultural issues are or may be relevant from a group work perspective?

What legal or ethical issues are or may be relevant from a group work perspective?

Discuss your client(s) from a career development perspective. Include responses to each of the following:

Briefly state your impressions of your client’s(s’) career development and identify what needs you would expect to be associated with this level of career development. To fully answer this question, you are to identify a particular career development theory, describe the stage/phase/level/process of career development according to the identified theory, evaluate the case in light of expected achievements, and formulate implications and needs for counseling.

Identify an assessment instrument you would use to obtain data for career counseling purposes? Briefly describe the assessment instrument and the rationale for your selection of it.

Identify and briefly describe the strategies and techniques that you would use and tell your reasons for these choices.

Identify and briefly describe resources that would be necessary and/or desirable in career and lifestyle work with your client(s).

What multicultural issues are or may be relevant from a career perspective?


Identify and describe an integrative or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) counseling model that you would use for this case. Explain the rationale for your selection. Cite appropriate literature.

Using the model you have selected, describe how you would conceptualize the case. Include a conceptualization of problem formation, the change process, family dynamics, and other pertinent issues as they apply to the case.

From a Systemic point of view, how would you assess the presenting problem?

Describe in detail the treatment plan for the case. The treatment plan is to include the following elements:

(i) one goal,

(ii) one objective,

(iii) interventions and techniques to achieve (i) and (ii). The goal and objective should be observable, measurable, achievable, and relevant to the client’s problem. The goal, objective, and interventions and techniques should correspond to the counseling model identified in

(a) above, the case conceptualization described in

(b) above, and the assessment described in

(c) above.

Given this case, what question might you ask that are exemplars of the integrative or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) model you are using, i.e., circular questions, exceptions questions, landscape of action questions.

What multicultural issues are or may be relevant?

What legal or ethical issues are, or may be, relevant?