What are at least one analogy or dis-analogy between Barry Schwartz’s (from the Ted Talk) jeans example and medical treatment?

For this week’s reading, please address the following:

1. Write at least two sentences for each of the following (A-C), which identifies an ethical issue for each of the following (A-C). The ethical issue should be in the form a question about what the right thing is to do about some problem which you identify. And explains why it is an ethical issue. To explain, you can identify biomedical ethical principles which may be violated or are in conflict with each other.

A) The monetary price of a Coronavirus vaccine
B) Vaccine equity
C) Vaccine passports
If you decided to swap out one of the additional readings, you would then identify an ethical issue on Human challenge trials and/or The creation of or marketing/sale of experimental vaccine.

2. What are at least one analogy or dis-analogy between Barry Schwartz’s (from the Ted Talk) jeans example and medical treatment?

3. Take at least the remainder of two pages of notes on the week’s readings. Be sure to use quotation marks and citation when you refer to a text word-for-word.Be sure to use citation when you refer to a text by paraphrasing (in your own words).

People takes notes in a variety of ways. You can cover main topics, points of fact, arguments, questions you have, vocabulary, etc.