Do you believe it fair to punish soldiers far following orders during battle-Should morals be a factor during war for individual battles?

1. During the documentary. much was made about the training (-programming-) of the soldiers for battle. Do you believe this to be a fair assessment of a soldier’s state of mind in Vietnam

1)Do you believe it fair to punish soldiers far following orders during battle? Should morals be a factor during war for individual battles? When does a mission tum to murder? (Consider a soldiers daily hfc in Vietnam when formulating your response.

2. What did Ron Ridenhour (Vet.) mean when he said…”My Lai was this Nazi kind of thing…7 What was the context of this statement? Be specific in your comparisons to Nazi ideobgy, mission. and war strategies.

3. Using your notes and recollection of the documentary. describe two of the soldiers interviewed, their personal experiences, remembrances, and their feelings about Lai and the aftermath of the event.

4. Same as e3, except describe two of the villagers interviewed.

5. Using Li. Calley’s final testimony. analyze his remarks regarding communism. military training. the -unseen enemy-, and his duty to his troops. Do you agree or disagree with his pronouncements and why or why not? Be detailed and thorough in your response.

6. A country asks a lot from its soldiers during war. Understanding dfts, what are your final determinations about My Lai. the Vietnam War. a soldiers duty. folbwing orders (or not). and society,’ response to and role in the war. (Your analysis but support with specific examples and facts Ex. Credit (1 pt each):

I. What was the alternative name given to My Lai?

2. Who were the VC?

3. How many murders was Lt. Calley charged with?

4. Identify the date and time of the My Lai mission.

5. What’s another name for the infantry in Vietnam?

6. Depending on your point of view, what was the name of the helicopter pilot that some claimed was a hero (maybe traitor?) during the My Lai incident?

7. Identify the two repercussions a soldier would face if he refused a direct order.

8. Identify the soldier who refused to carry out LL Calley’s orders at My Lai.

9. By I I:30am. how ma, Vietnamese had been killed at My Lai,

10. What was Lt. Calley’s sentence and how did Pres. Nixon figure into this?
Some Stat., ••2 million+ US Armed Forces went to Vietnam 1.6 million served in combat 300.000 physically wounded 2387 Missing in Action (MIA) 58,000+ Killed in Action (KIA)