What are some problems or issues you she should think about if she does decide to become a single mom?

Discussion 13- Single Parenting

Read Chapter 14 and then respond to the following: A good friend of mine—age 34, with a PhD in Chemistry, who has a great job, and a very supportive extended family has not been able to find a husband—and she wants children before it is too late. She is considering in vitro insemination in hopes of becoming a single parent. Her mother is urging her to do this before it is too late. What advice do you have about in single parenting based on one or more research studies you find in our library. And, based on the information presented in Chapter 14 about the effects of single parenting on children, do you think it is possible for her to be an effective parent? Should she go ahead and try to become a single mom in your opinion? Why/why not? What are some problems or issues you she should think about if she does decide to become a single mom? What are the chances the in vitro procedures will work? Remember to cite your  in appropriate APA format and to respond to at least two of your classmates.