What is the relationship between the metaphoric devouring-the literal starvation of the Irish people?(75 words)

His Coy Mistress Question

1.Donne’s “The Flea” and Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress” are known as “carpe diem” poems since the speakers are trying to get someone into bed. Examine “To His Coy Mistress” in detail. What is the poem about? What surprising connections do you see? Include quotations from the poem to support your ideas.(75 words)
Paradise Lost Book 4 Questions
1.The concept of “knowledge” is fraught with complexities in Book 4. How does Satan view knowledge, and how would he respond to the saying, “Ignorance is bliss”?(75 words)
2.To what extent can Book 4 be read as a political treatise? (Hint: Think about what you know about the 17thcentury and the way the concept of “revolution” functions in the book).(75 words)
3.Examine the characterizations of some of the other characters in Book 4. In what ways are some of these characterizations surprising to you?
A modest proposal questions.
1.In what sense does the essay make literal the metaphor that the English are devouring the Irish? What is the relationship between the metaphoric devouring and the literal starvation of the Irish people?(75 words)
2. Discuss the brutality of the imagery (for example, “dressing them hot from the knife”). To what extent is this effective? Why?(75 words)
3. Why is the comparison between the economic state of Ireland and the cannibalism of infants appropriate?(75 words)
4.What is the moral purpose of Swift’s satire?(75 words)
5.Are there modern parallels for which the satire would be applicable?(75 words)