What can you offer in terms of a critique of the cultural product’s mode of production/the media’s treatment of your hero?

Think back to your favorite commodity from your childhood (book, cartoon, movie, song, etc.) OR your favorite hero from your adolescence and take a deeper look.
Construct a 5 page essay (1500 words maximum) that offers a detailed reflection on the significance of your chosen commodity or hero.
Spend the first ¼ of the paper describing the product or hero in detail.
Use the balance of the paper to address the key questions listed below.:

• What does this media product or hero say about our larger cultural experience?

• What about your cultural experience as a child? (or as an adolescent)?

• What is this cultural object’s (hero’s) significance? Or upon deeper reflection, is it (or him/her) insignificant?

• What can you offer in terms of a critique of the cultural product’s mode of production/the media’s treatment of your hero?

• What is the “real experience” of interacting with this media product or hero as a child/adolescent? Now as an adult?

• How has your perception of this product or hero changed from childhood/adolescence given your reading of Mediated?