Identify-explain at least three factors that contributed to the emergence of primary phase civilizations.


Identify and explain at least three factors that contributed to the emergence of primary phase civilizations. Identify and explain how three different pharaohs had major impacts on ancient Egyptian history. Identify and explain THREE ways in which Indus Valley Civilization was different than primary phase Mesopotamia or Egypt. Identify and explain three similarities or differences between China and the other primary phase cultures (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley) Identify and explain three similarities between Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity. Identify and explain the three aspects of Greek civilization that you found most interesting or historically important. Be sure to explain your choices. Identify and explain how three different individuals affected the course of Roman history. Identify three ways in which Buddhism and Hinduism are similar or different. Identify three ways in which medieval Western Europe and Byzantium are similar or different. Identify and explain three reasons why the Mongols and Turks were able to conquer older, more established civilizations, beginning in the 1200s. Can you make sure you use textbook Merry Wiesner-Hanks, et al, A history of world socities, vol 1 12th edition 2020