Define work-life balance?-In which industries is this most and least attainable?-Explain your answer?

Final take home exam
1) Define worklife balance? In which industries is this most and least attainable?
Explain your answer? Make reference to at least 3 readings from this course in your
2) We discussed elements of psychology and work in particular considering physicians, surgeons and nurses. Explain why this area of work creates a particular risk? Make reference to a minimum of 3 resources discussed in seminar/class.
3) Is emotional labour present in all forms of work? Is it essential? Why/why not? Define emotional labour and discuss this concept in relation to at least 3 fields of work discussed in this course.
4) Is all work inherently alienating? Draw upon at least 3 examples from this course in your answer.

5) It could be argued that work is a leading cause for personal stress, health problems
and anxiety. Has this problem increased in recent years (the past 510)? Or has work
always been a cause of psychological and physical difficulty? What strategies exist to
alleviate the hardships caused by work? Make reference to at least 3 resources
discussed in this course in your answer