How does the practice of science-other intellectual pursuits by men and women in the Islamicate world up to 1700 compare the practice of the same-similar fields by men and women in Europe?

Writer could choose 1 question out of the 4 question  provided along with essay instruction in “paper details”

1 – How does the practice of science and other intellectual pursuits by men and women in the Islamicate world up to 1700 compare the practice of the same or similar fields by men and women in Europe?

2 – “The Sultan’s harem was a place of slavery, seclusion and sex.” Is this an accurate historical depiction of the harem’s place in Ottoman society during the early modern period?

3 – How did scientific practice in Safavid Persia and Mughal India continue or extend earlier Islamicate science? Give at least two examples of continuities in theory (scientific knowledge) and institutions (places where science was practiced).

4- How did Islamicate science contribute to the development of Renaissance art in Italy?