Why does this constitute a crisis on a personal level-What makes this threaten “economic collapse” as you write?

Critical Analysis of Debt in the Education Sector and the Necessity for Organizational Reform

Before launching into analysis and also solutions to the student debt crisis, explain the crisis. How much do students owe in debt? Who do they owe to? What are the collection practices? Why does this constitute a crisis on a personal level? What makes this threaten “economic collapse” as you write? Spend more time breaking down how student debt works, per the assignment prompt. Save writing about solutions until the very end (conclusion) if at all.
Your topic should extract a lesson from this specific case of student debt that can be applied to other debt crises.

What constitutes this case as a crisis? How is this debt crisis classed, racialized, gendered, and otherwise prejudicial and/or predatory in its structure and consequences? Who profits from the crisis and who are most adversely impacted in terms of exposure to risk, access to assistance, and adverse health impacts? What type of discourse (explanatory genres, narrative representations) surround this debt crisis and what capitalist myths and notions of morality, human nature, the state and society does this discourse naturalize? What is the role (potential or actual) of austerity, stimulus, relief, (corporate) welfare in structuring the crisis and its resolution? Engaging with these questions should function in service to your overall argument, in which you derive a generalizable political lesson from this particular case of debt-related crisis.

another resource: https://www.federalreserve.gov/publications/2021-economic-well-being-of-us-households-in-2020-student-loans.htm