How did the Miss America protest represent the agenda of the women’s liberation movement?

The 1968 Miss America pageant protest is one of the iconic images of second-wave feminism. The clash between the feminine ideal promoted in the pageant and the so-called “bra-burning” protestors outside, as well as the way the media covered the event, encapsulated many of the tensions of the period. For this activity, you will compare the differing perspectives on women’s roles, as seen in the 1968 Miss America pageant and protest.

As you review the sources, consider all the questions below. Then choose ONE of the bullets below to address thoroughly in an initial post.

Recognizing that the Miss America pageant has changed over time and each year’s pageant reflects the culture and values of the era, what does the history of the 1968 pageant tell us about cultural expectations and values in the 1960s? How does it differ from the history of the pageant before then?

How did the Miss America protest represent the agenda of the women’s liberation movement? How and why did the protest get picked up by the media? Do you think the media attention helped or hurt women’s liberation?

How did the remembrances of the protestors differ from those of the pageant participants? How did these remembrances differ from the standard version put out by the media? What does this tell us about the way history is constructed?