Which courses have been most valuable to you as you advance in your career-What made these courses valuable?

Program Reflection Paper

In this assignment you will reflect on your learning experiences in the entire Master of Business Administration program. You will write a short essay in which you reflect on the overall curriculum for MBA.
For your reference as you complete this assignment, here are the MBA program outcomes:
1. Create and communicate sustained, coherent arguments in two or more media to both internal and external audiences of a business organization.
2. Integrate and initiate tactical, operational, and strategic decision making to address organizational challenges.
3. Design and execute solutions for problems using a multi-functional business approach.
4. Deconstruct and reformulate business decisions by applying theoretical and practical perspectives from multiple disciplines.

Action Items

1. Write a 2 page reflective essay in which you reflect on your learning experiences in the MBA program. Answer the following questions:
o As you reflect on these program outcomes and on your studies in this program, what were your three most meaningful and engaging learning experiences? What made them the most meaningful?
o If you could improve the learning experience for future students, how would you change the MBA program?
o Which courses have been most valuable to you as you advance in your career? What made these courses valuable?
o How well prepared do you feel as you advance in your career?
o How do you plan to use what you have learned in this program?