How does/do the film(s) use futuristic science-technology to comment on the real-world technological innovations of its moment of release?

Analysis on the movie “her” (2013)

What meaning does/do the film(s) give to its iconography? In other words, if there is an alien, what does it signify to the characters and the audience?
How does/do the film(s) use futuristic science and technology to comment on the real-world technological innovations of its moment of release?

Does/do the film(s) provide insight into a theoretical concept (such as time, space, the human subject, etc.)?

How does/do the film(s) engage with the historical moment in which it was made?

Is/are the film(s) self-aware of its/their own status as the product of media technology? Do media play a role in the story, if so, how are they represented?