What was going on in American history at the time that produced these white supremacist responses?

Black Lives Matter

This memoir is different from our earlier readings. Though it’s a primary source account, it remarks on events that happened within the last five years, ones of which we all have different memories. You may not agree with the way the authors, Cullors and Bandele, remember the events. That is okay, especially if you would like to add your own rendition of these episodes. Still, they have something to say about #SayHerName and about Black Lives Matter.

Click here for the PDF of the reading: When They Call You a Terrorist – Chapter 14 and 15

In your paper write about how they describe the impact of police shootings on African American women. Remember to connect the reading to the themes we’ve discussed this semester. AND, talk about the title, When They Call You a Terrorist. Who is the “they” and who is the “you”? Name another movement in the 20th century that was accused of consorting with terrorists and other enemies of the United States.

Response papers should follow this format: 1.5 to 2 pages, single spaced, 11 point font in Times New Roman or Calibri, usual margins.

Answer these questions:

WHO/WHAT – Which theme does the reading represent? Who wrote the reading and why do you think they wrote it?

WHAT – Is the reading a primary source or a secondary source? Explain why that matters; that is, was the reading penned by a woman who saw things happen as they unfolded or was it written by a person who is interpreting the past?

HOW – How does the reading address the theme? How are Black women represented in these readings?

WHERE – Does the article talk about where the black women are located. Explain why geography matters.

WHEN – What was going on in American history at the time that produced these white supremacist responses?

WHY does it matter/SIGNIFICANCE – If you could go back in time and correct this situation with a specific policy, what would correction would you propose?