Do you have the ability to begin and persist with the pursuit of goals even when you feel anxious-How do you react to anxiety?

Assessing Your Self‐Regulation Skills

The following questions are designed to help you identify target areas to work on to build your self-regulation skills. Review the following questions to identify personal strengths and opportunities for growth:
1. Can identify the specific emotions you are feeling? For example, do you recognize when you are feeling anxious or angry? Are there some emotions you are better at identifying in yourself than other emotions?
2. Can you identify the emotions someone else is feeling? Are you sensitive to nuances? For example, do you notice when a friend or relative is reacting angrily because they are feeling anger plus embarrassment, instead of just recognizing the anger element? You will be able to provide more effective reactions and support is you can correctly identify which specific emotions others are having.
3. Do you have the ability to begin and persist with the pursuit of goals even when you feel anxious? How do you react to anxiety? If you can tolerate feeling anxious, you will be less likely to avoid trying new things, more likely to try things a second time if things did not go well the first time, and less likely to abandon projects before they have become successful.