How will you reach these participants-Is there an enrollment process for participants-Are there any incentives for the participants to complete the surveys?

The Mental Health of Families During Covid-19

In the methodology section there should be an introduction, which you have provided. This section is to include information related to your study design. Your submission stated you had participants. You were able to give your reader information on the process for selecting 1000 participants. How will you reach these participants? Is there an enrollment process for participants? Are there any incentives for the participants to complete the surveys?

You have included a survey as the instrument for data collection. Solidify what information the survey will measure and how the analysis will be done. Review ways to explain the use of data collecting instruments within the methods section. You want to generate a logical sequence of events, which enhances the integrity of your methodology and therefore your entire paper.

Your current methodology section is not robust enough to serve your purpose. Remember, this section needs to be detailed enough for other researchers to duplicate your experiment. Sections pertaining to your data collection instrument and your planned analysis of the data should be detailed in the methodology.