What steps can you take to continue to improve on writing struggles?

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Writing from scratch
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1-page draft/ Summary
Subject: Nursing

Topic: Africa 1

Paper details:

Provide “Reflective thinking” essay combining “writing struggles” information below and answer questions such as :
Are you more confident in writing struggles comma, past tense, and being too wordy?
The answer is yes to some degree in all three areas but definitely requires continued practice.
What steps can you take to continue to improve on writing struggles?
Which area do you feel best addressed in this course? Forcing my hand to not be too wordy. To be concise yet thorough.
How does it make you feel that the women in Botswana live in such a patriarchal society and are at a significant risk of HIV because they have limited power in preventing HIV?
How can you encourage the young women of Botswana to use the female condom to protect themselves from HIV and prevent unplanned pregnancies?
What suggestions for this course would make it better? It was somewhat boring to have only one country and one illness to write papers on yet learned the different forms of writing.
This was an absolutely insane amount of time required for this class if you wanted to succeed and get a good grade.

All of these questions need to be incorporated into this reflective exercise. Please and thank you.

2 pages please and APA format.
“Writing struggles”
Writing is an art that even experienced writers struggle with also as they strive for perfection. There are many aspects of writing that one needs to take place before beginning the process. The writer must focus on the topic, sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, as well as the length of the paper. Some writers struggle with punctuations, guessing where to place commas, colons, and semi-colons. Other writers struggle with the length of the paper, finding it difficult to hit the word count while others write too many are unable to reduce the word count. I have struggled using the past tense, commas, and managing my word count as I find myself too wordy. When writing, an individual should pay attention to the correct tense, correct use of commas, as well as the word count required, but I find myself challenged when attempting to follow these writing rules.
The tense one chooses affects the tone and the pace of the piece. I have had difficulty using past tense in my essays, as I find it hard to decide where and how to use it. Past tense entails writing with a standpoint that the events being discussed happened in past events. In my case, I get confused as to when to use simple past, past perfect, past continuous, and past perfect continuous tense. Simple past tense describes the events that began and ended in the past, whereas past continuous tense describes events that were interrupted or occurred parallel to one another. On the other hand, past perfect tense refers to an event that occurred in the past before the event one is discussing (Douglas, 2020). Lastly, the past perfect continuous tense refers to a consistent event that happened in the past. I have a problem coordinating all these tenses in my essay to have a smooth flow with words and flow of the purpose. I also struggle with the decision of when to use -d, -ed or -t on verbs to demonstrate their past tense. My struggle with past tense often affects my sentence construction and the overall grammar of my work.
The other struggle I have in my writing is the use of punctuation marks, especially commas. Commas are essential since they indicate the clustering of phrases, words, and clauses. Commas are the most misused punctuation marks compared to the others. Commas are used arbitrarily, for separation of two parts in a sentence and to set off elements of a sentence (Hertzberg, 2018). Sometimes I found myself using commas to separate two clauses in a sentence but forget to use a conjunction. Other times I fail to use commas after an introductory element in a sentence, and while listing words in a sentence, I will forget to put a comma after the last word before the conjunction – and – or when quoting a sentence, I can get confused about whether to include or exclude the comma in the quotation marks.
Lastly, the other challenge I have in writing is producing too long papers of a paper and finding difficulty in reducing word count. I make an outline and put down every detail I find significant for the topic of the paper. I regard every piece of information about my subject relevant, and I am learning how to select the part of the information that is most necessary to my purpose (Hertzberg, 2018). I have a problem prioritizing the data that I gather, and thus I end up having too many words for the paper. I am trying to review my information gathering techniques to concentrate on information that precisely focuses on the topic. Using the essay questions to guide my information selection, should help to target the length of the paper.
Writers are required to focus on the tense used, word limit, and punctuation marks, but I usually find myself violating rules concerning these important writing techniques. Commas are my most misused punctuation marks as compared to the other ones. Additionally, I have struggled with managing my word count, and I still find myself writing extended essays than required. To control these writing problems, I try to use questions to guide my information gathering. Tense is another challenge in my writing, and I find the past tense more challenging than the rest. Writing is a process that provides me an opportunity to practice and perfect my writing skills.
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