What factors do you think led to the domestication of animals (and perhaps plants) in this region?

Archaeology, anthropology

Describe patterns of seasonal site distribution. There is no reason to suspect that
any one group’s subsistence area incorporated the entire area, nor that all
people living in the region followed the same subsistence pattern.

1. Can you identify evidence for animal domestication in the faunal data –and is there any circumstantial evidence for plant domestication? If so, in what sites and during what periods do you find this evidence?

2. What factors do you think led to the domestication of animals (and perhaps plants) in this region? Do you think human population pressure played a role? And do the data support Ingold’s alternative interpretation of the trajectory of domestication?

3. What seems to be the impact of domestication on human lifeways – in terms of mobility, group size, and political economy? Do you see