Describe how a service culture can be created within a business Interpret whether a company utilizes product-oriented or customer-oriented marketing

Describe how a service culture can be created within a business
Interpret whether a company utilizes product-oriented or customer-oriented marketing
Evaluate internal marketing concepts that support overall marketing strategy

This week you will explore research planning for the business you described in week two (Hilton Hotel and .Resorts)
To start, explain the role marketing research should play in helping a firm to implement the marketing concept. Then, use your identified business as an example to demonstrate how that role would be performed. Necessary elements for your analysis include:

Determine if your business should use product-oriented or customer-oriented marketing
Identify data collection methods and sources
Explain how market research could be used to establish/sustain a service culture
Evaluate internal marketing tactics to support overall marketing strategy
Explain the importance of gathering information in gaining insights about the marketplace and customers.
These identified elements should be addressed in the writing but the writing should not be limited to these elements.

Use outside research to provide validation, corroboration, or contrasting perspectives in order to support your perspective.