What is identity politics-Where does the term originate-how do you understand contemporary arguments about identity politics?

Choose 2 prompt and write. (democracy, international relationship)

This writing is meant to assess your knowledge and understanding of the material covered the second half of the course. Choose two of the prompts below to respond to. Make sure to answer each sub-question. Your answers to these prompts should be written as short essays with a combined length of 5-7 pages (12-font, double-spaced).

Questions (Choose 2 [25 points each]):

How has global inequality changed since the late 19th century? How has it changed in the past few decades? Should inequality be addressed politically? Why? How?

Many have expressed concern that democracy has declined throughout the world in recent years. What conditions of democracy have been eroded? Where? How? Use examples.

Briefly explain three (3) approaches to international relations. (We discussed more than three in class.) Which approach do you think is strongest? How is the international relations discipline itself related to the political history of imperialism?

What is identity politics? Where does the term originate and how do you understand contemporary arguments about identity politics?

Why are nations “imagined communities”? How do we explain the enduring appeal of nationalism? What is a contemporary example of the salience of nationalism in politics