What are the various conclusions, insights-arguments made by historians over the nature of different wars in the middle ages?

Historiography (How Do Modern Historians Interpret Medieval Warfare)

The main questions that should be answered are:

What are the various conclusions, insights and arguments made by historians over the nature of different wars in the middle ages? [what do these historians say about what medieval war was exactly? its composition, its way of fighting, what made it distinct?] What aspect of war – causes [religion–see Riley-Smith, for example], motivation [how do the historians on the list argue for different motives], technology [ [atrocities, for example in the crusades; rules of war]], conduct, on-the-ground experience – do different historians focus on? [how do they compare and contrast with each other]]And how do the particular wars they study – Crusades, 100 Years’ War–shape their analysis? [eg, how does studying the First Crusade inform the authors analysis?]