How can we eliminate the impact of systemic racism from policing practices in the US?

Should there be greater or lesser restrictions on people’s rights to purchase and carry weapons? GUN CONTROL 2nd AMENDMENT

Some examples of current rights questions.
1st Amendment

Should social media corporations have the power to use political censorship?
Should companies be allowed to deny employees insurance coverage for
reproductive health on the basis of religion?
Should the policing of mass protests be reformed in order to protect people’s right to assemble?

2nd Amendment

Should there be greater or lesser restrictions on people’s rights to purchase and carry weapons?

3th Amendment

To what extent have govt. electronic surveillance programs violated people’s right to
Should the government conduct mass data mining in order to fight terrorism?
Are government Covid tracing programs a violation of people’s right to privacy?

4th Amendment

Should habeas corpus be suspended for suspected domestic terrorists?

5th Amendment

Are the rights of the poor to proper legal defense being violated by the collapse of
the public defender system?

6th Amendment

Does the bail system violate the rights of poor people?
Is solitary confinement a violation of the human rights of prisoners?
Is the death penalty a violation of human rights?

7th Amendment

Should slavery be permitted in the US prison system?

8th Amendment

Which rights should undocumented workers have in the US?
To what extent has the US government violated the rights of undocumented workers
and refugees who are being held in detention?
How can we eliminate the impact of systemic racism from policing practices in the
Should the government do more to prevent discrimination in employment, housing,
healthcare, and/or education?


Do new voter ID laws violate people’s constitutional right to vote?
Should people convicted of a federal crime lose their voting rights for life?