Discuss the areas you believe are the greatest risk or concern for your company to manage

Order #7528554
Deadline : 1 hour 47 min
Price : $5.8
Order Info
In progress
Paper format
Pages / Draft
Academic level
Type of work
Writing from scratch
Type of paper
Course work
1-page draft/ Summary
Subject: Human Resource Management

Topic: Environmental Risk Factors

Paper details:

Using Part 1 of the Supply Chain Risk Assessment Survey, evaluate your company’s environmental risk factors. Discuss the areas you believe are the greatest risk or concern for your company to manage. Why do you believe these are the greatest risks? What approaches do you recommend it use to mitigate these risks? Would your recommendations reduce the risk level? Why or why not?

Your initial post must include all the assigned readings and must be a minimum of 250 words in length, with no maximum. Remember to list your references in current APA format at the end of your post. To allow other learners time to respond, you are encouraged to complete your initial post by 11:59 p.m. CST Thursday.

Response Guidelines

Respond to at least two other learners. Your responses must be substantive in nature and reference the assigned readings, as well as other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature, to support your views and writings.

In your response, do at least one of the following:

Ask a probing question.
Offer a suggestion.
Elaborate on a particular point.
Provide an alternative opinion.
Your responses must be at least 50 words in length and strive to extend the dialogue and analyses with related content. Responses are due by 11:59 p.m. CST Sunday.
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