Distinguish between dance genres, discuss the genre differences, and identify the aesthetics of dance within each dance genre.

SLO #2: Students will be introduced to the elements of dance and methods for dance analysis.
SLO #3: Students will be able to distinguish between dance genres, discuss the genre differences, and identify the aesthetics of dance within each dance genre.
Choose one of these social-political themes and design a dance around it.
War (Current Political Climate)
Gay Marriage Rights
Health Reform
Discrimination/ Bullying/Hate Crimes
In your submission, include the following elements:
Costume design
Makeup design
Lighting design
Music choice
The possible inclusion of props, sets, or multimedia elements
Location (proscenium stage or site specific)
Movement vocabulary (pick 3 to 4 Language of DanceĀ® movement concepts)
Describe your dance and the reasoning behind the choices you have made.