Discuss God’s View on Teachers and Leaders

Order #7528355
Deadline : 1 hour 49 min
Price : $3.7
Order Info
In progress
Paper format
Pages / Draft
Academic level
Type of work
Writing from scratch
Type of paper

1-page draft/ Summary
Subject: Other

Topic: 5.1 student discussion: God’s View on Teachers and Leaders

Paper details:

I am needing the writer to read each discussion … THERE is 2 papers that i have attached and i need the writer to split the words for each paper.. PLease attached separate responses for each discussion… DO NOT respond to each paper together… DO not paraphrase the paper. that i have attached for the assignment. write each word in your own words.. I will leave the questions that the students had to respond to where you can get an insight what they answered too. Please follow the rubric that i have attached below… Your posts also should: 1. Provide clear answers with evidence of critical thinking. 2. Demonstrate a high level of scholarship by connecting your ideas to course materials and citing scholarly sources using proper in texty citation and references at the end of your post to support your thinking. 3. Add greater depth to the discussion by introducing new ideas 4. Answer classmates’ questions and add insight to the discussion Rubric: Your responses to your classmates should be between 100 and 150 words. You should both encourage and respectfully challenge your classmates’ experiences, assumptions, and attitudes towards group practice. You should also offer any suggestions or resources related to the areas in which your classmates want to enhance their ability to lead groups. Your posts and responses should also: Provide clear answers with evidence of critical thinking. Add depth to the discussion by introducing new ideas. Answer classmates’ questions and add insight to the discussion I have attached the article the students read to help answer their questions.

PLease do not use the questions in the assignment.. Just your thoughts on the discussions. and label the assignments to let me know which one you are answering..
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12482326 | 5.1 SWK 561 Discussion 2. KO.docx
12482338 | 5.1 Student discussion 1 MF.docx