What emotions are described by the author-How is he feeling-How are you feeling-What emotions do you have as you read-Write those down.

Night Note-Taking Guide 1

Preface, Forward, Chapter 1, Chapter 2

You may take notes WHILE you read or AFTER you read, your preference. Keeping track of the events and the emotions of the book will help you understand it at a deeper level.  The Note Taking Guide has three main elements:

Insights and/or Wonderings. This section is for you to write down anything that you found to be interesting, insightful, shocking, or a key detail you want to remember. You might also have questions or things you wonder about. Write down any word you don’t know or anything you wonder about. Your own question might get answered later on in the chapter or book.

What events took place in this section or chapter you read? Where were people traveling to? From? Where were they staying? What is happening in terms of events? or time? (sometimes the author tells the reader how much time they spend in one location. This is an interesting detail and timeline to follow.)

What emotions are described by the author? How is he feeling? How are you feeling? What emotions do you have as you read? Write those down.