What nursing model do you prefer? Why?

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1-page draft/ Summary
Subject: Nursing

Topic: ) The Discussion Forum

Question 2: As the nurse manager, you were just notified about a 7% raise pool of $10.48 per hour to be divided among your RN staff pool. Currently, you have 10 full-time equivalent (FTE) RNs on your staff. Administration has already decreed that 3% will be given to all staff members as a cost-of-living increase. The remaining 4% can be divided unequally as merit raises among the 10 staff members, and administration has made it clear that they expect wide variation in salaries. How will you decide who should receive the larger raises? What will be the basis for your decision in this area? Should all employees have some part of the 4% or should you give it all to one or two outstanding staff members? How does the initial base salary (per-hour figures) pertain to this problem, or is it necessary to know each RN’s base salary figure? How would you as a leader demonstrate emotional intelligence when announcing these raises after completing your deliberations?

Read the various student postings. Then each student will choose and reply to ONE of their fellow student questions BELOW (not two questions from one student). This response should be a well-developed paragraph, 300 words with two supporting references in APA format. To maximize your grade references should be peer reviewed journal articles (see forum discussion grading rubric for more information). Include the statement or question in the response.

Question 3:
Question 3:
Base Salary Schedule at City Medical Center:
RNs: Staff $30/hr.
Charge $32/hr.
Team Leader $30/hr.
Per Diem $39/hr.
LVN: Staff $19/hr.
CNA: $12/hr.
Overtime Pay for all staff is 1 ½ times base salary per hour
Functional Nursing and Team Nursing are two models of care delivery discussed in the Yoder-Wise text on pages 195-199. Discuss the differences between the two models. Utilizing the salary schedule above, which model provides for the most cost effective staffing? Which model requires the most FTEs? What are the pros and cons of each model? After determining the differences in each of these models how would you incorporate emotional intelligence into convincing administration to budget for your selected nursing model?

There are two models of providing nursing care that we will discuss. Functional Nursing is having each licensed and unlicensed personnel performing specific tasks for a group of patients. This can be cost-effective because you can have a small number of RN’s on shift to perform assessments, admissions, and provide intravenous medications. Then you may have many LVN’s and CNA’s to perform the remaining tasks needed such as providing oral medications, assisting patient’s with ADL’s and collect vital signs. This may be seen as an assembly line of providing patient care. An advantage of this model is each personnel becomes very skilled at their task and can perform quickly, saving time. A disadvantage is that staff members may overlook changes in the patient’s condition because they are not familiar with the patient’s baseline. The patient also feels frustrated that their psychological needs are not being met. “Fragmented care and ineffective communication can lead to patient and family dissatisfaction and frustration” (Yoder-Wise, 2019, p. 196). According to Figure 12.2 on page 194, one charge nurse, one LVN, two RN’s, and two CNA’s are needed to look after a group of 30 patient’s coming out to about $105 per hour for all staff mentioned. This will be the most cost-effective, however, the disadvantages are must be weighed heavily.
Team Nursing is a model designed to improve patient satisfaction after using functional nursing in World War 2. In this model, there is a designated group of personnel to care for a small group of patients. A charge nurse, a team leader, RN, LVN, and CNA is assigned to a group, spending the shift with them allowing continuity of care. To fund the personnel mentioned for the shift is about $123 per hour for each group. If there are multiple groups, this number easily grows. An advantage of this model is improved patient satisfaction related to better communication and comfort with the same healthcare members treating the patient. A disadvantage is potentially working with a team leader who has poor leadership skills; this can create tension and potentially revert to functional nursing. This model would require the most full-time employees and be less cost-effective, however, it is my preferred method of providing nursing care.
Emotional intelligence is necessary for providing job satisfaction and a low turnover rate. “Being emotionally intelligent implies the ability to address, understand, and feel one’s own emotions and those of others, and being able to respond and act accordingly (intrapersonal, interpersonal, stress management, adaptability, and general mood)” (Pérez-Fuentes et. al, paragraph 6, 2018). I would share my concerns about the disadvantages of the functional nursing model. I would share that changes in the patient’s status could be missed leading to poor outcomes. I also feel that that model does not provide holistic nursing. How patients rate their satisfaction affects the nurse-patient relationship. Questions to readers:
1. What nursing model do you prefer? Why?
2. If you are using the nursing team model and have a team leader with poor leadership skills, how would you address the situation?

Pérez-Fuentes, M. D., Molero, M. D., Gázquez, J. J., & Orpesa, N. F. (2018). The role of Emotional Intelligence in Engagement in Nurses. doi:10.20944/preprints201806.0221.v1
Yoder-Wise, P.S. (2019). Leading and managing in nursing (7th ed.). Mosby Elsevier.
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