Why did you reject-accept the null hypothesis-Which group, on average, has the most years of education?

Step 2: Follow the instructions below to conduct the ANOVA in Microsoft Excel. The data you will use is in the following table:

Subject Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
1 12 14 18
2 14 12 18
3 14 14 18
4 14 14 17
5 12 16 20
6 18 18 16
7 12 18 12
8 13 16 14
9 19 18 12
10 12 16 12
For reference: Group1 = Narcotics Investigators, Group 2 = Traffic Enforcement Officers, Group 3 = SWAT Officers; 12 = high school/GED, 14 = Associate’s, 16 = Bachelor’s, 18 = Master’s, and 20 = Doctorate

Steps for analysis in Excel:

Cut and paste the data from the table above into Microsoft Excel.
Click the Data tab and then the Data Analysis button to open the statistical analysis dialogue box.
Choose “ANOVA: Single Factor” as the type of analysis.
Click into the input range box, and then highlight all of the data (to include the headers) in the Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3 columns.
Click the Labels in First Row box to ensure Excel does not try to analyze the column headers as data.
Click the New Worksheet Ply button so that Excel spits the data output into a new worksheet.
Click “OK” to run the analysis.
Step 2: Answer the following questions using the analysis results that you generated:

What is the average years of education for Group 1 (Narcotics Investigators)?
What is the Average years of education for Group 3 (SWAT Officers)?
What is the p-value for your ANOVA model? Is the p-value greater than or less than 0.05?
Do you reject or accept the null hypothesis that states, “There is no difference between the groups in years of education.”
Why did you reject or accept the null hypothesis?
Which group, on average, has the most years of education?