How has the magazine represented the diversity among American families (structure, social class, family functioning, etc.?


Select the last three editions of a contemporary popular magazine. Critique the
magazines based on Eitzen and Zinn’s conceptualizations of family myths. You may
select from the list of publications listed below or choose other publications of interest to
you and/or the students you teach.
Better Homes and Garden Oprah
Ebony Parent Magazine
Essence People En Espanol
Exceptional Parent Real Simple
Family Circle Redbook
Hispanic Living Ser Padres
McCall Sports Illustrated
1. Identify the magazine you will critique.Specify the volume number(s) and dates of the publications used in your critique.Provide a brief overview of the publication, including its history and current editorial/staff structure.
2. Utilizing Zinn & Eitzen’s conceptualization, critique the magazine’s
presentation of family. Address the following questions:What overarching message on family life is communicated in the magazine?
How has the magazine represented the diversity among American families (structure, social class, family functioning, etc.?

How has the magazine represented families of children with disabilities?
3. Write a brief letter to the editorial staff of the magazine commenting on the publication in general, and your reflections on its relevance for families today.
4. Create a graphic representation of the images/myths presented in the