What sorts of preparedness activities are done to educate the public about potential hazards-By whom?

Case Study 2 Instructions
International and Comparative Disaster Management

For Case Study 2, you will compare and contrast disaster management in two countries of your choice focusing on the preparedness and response phases of emergency management.

Note: you must select countries other than the United States and its territories

You will check and reference at least three credible sources for information about the countries and provide succinct analysis that should include the following elements:

• Names of the two countries
• Implementation pattern that applies (top-down, bottom-up, or confused: What we mean here – are response and recovery actions triggered by the national government or by local government, or is it a mixture. Here in the U.S. everything is driven by local government, then when they are overwhelmed, they ask for help from the state, then, the federal government if the state does not have enough resources. In other countries, this is not always the case, and not always appropriate. For example, they may have most of their resources at the national government level, therefore a top-down response might be stronger.)
• What sorts of preparedness activities are done to educate the public about potential hazards? By whom?
• What are the strengths and weaknesses of each disaster management system?
• How might the commonalities and the differences be explained?

Case Study 2 should be approximately ¾ of a page to 1 page (single spaced) in length and appropriately organized in paragraphs with in-text citations and references.