If globalization is so great, why do so many people protest it-Are they right-wrong in their critique?

Global Management


This activity will give you a chance to look at globalization from a different perspective. We discussed the advantages of free trade but now let’s look at the other side of globalization.


Consider the other side of globalization. We have studied the advantages of free trade and specialization strategies which have globalized the world, making it possible for MNEs to operate at a cost advantage, and for unprecedented forms of investment and wealth to penetrate many of the poorest parts of the world. But portions of chapters 1 and 6 paint an alternative picture of globalization. For example, the article “Moving U.S. White-Collar Jobs Offshore” discusses the impact to human capital and the complexities of international trade theory.

Compose your initial post that addresses the following questions:

If globalization is so great, why do so many people protest it?
Are they right or wrong in their critique?
Identify a current event article or reference a case study from the text to support your argument.
If applicable, as an option, you might also refer to your place of employment or the business you are studying as an example to illustrate how globalization has helped or harmed them.
Be sure to cite at least (1) additional scholarly peer reviewed source to support your theoretical analysis.