What does Buffett have to say about his efforts to reward the stockholders for taking the investment risk?

Warren Buffett Stockholders Letter

Read Warren Buffets 2020 letter to the stockholders of Berkshire Hathaway:

Identify and comment on one or more items or facts that interested or surprised you in each of the major sections of the letter. For this assignment, a “major section” would be the sections as headlined in bold in the letter. In reading the papers will be looking closely at your thoughts and comments about each major section.

Pay attention to how Warren Buffett measures and discusses the progress of Berkshire Hathaway and each of his investments/subsidiaries.

The last half page of the paper should include your “Thoughts and Observations” about what (if anything) you leaned in reading the 2020.

What does Buffett have to say about his efforts to reward the stockholders for taking the investment risk?

All papers are to be typed (not handwritten) and no more than 1 1/2 line spacing.

Use paragraphs and sub-titles to breakup large blocks of text.

Papers are to be in good English—no texting or email short cuts and proper formatting (e.g. topic sentences, paragraph breaks to break up large blocks of text. etc.)