How does the study add to other related literature in the field-Are the conclusions well supported based on the data presented?

Behavioural Economics Critical Review Essay

This is the article for which you have to write a critical review of: Trendl, A., Stewart, N., & Mullett, T. L. (2021). A zero attraction effect in naturalistic choice.
Decision, 8(1), 55–68.


o Brief exposition of the topic under study and main findings previous to this
o Goal of the study under review.
• Summary of the study and main findings (including important methodological
o How does it investigate the question(s) under study?
• Critical review
o How does the study add to other related literature in the field?
o Are the conclusions well supported based on the data presented?
o What are the theoretical and practical implications of these findings?
o Do you see any limitations in the study? And potential future directions for further