What is the meaning, message, metaphors, and symbolism that is contained in the work-What was the purpose of the work or implied purpose?

Art Criticism- Son of Man by Rene Magritte

In 4 separate labeled paragraphs using 7-10 sentences for each paragraph that coordinate with each numbered step, write your responses. Separate your paragraphs.

1. Description- Name what you see, list who is featured in the work, name what is included in the fresco, much of this information you will learn from the video. You may also
research but do not plagiarize. If you use other sources, you must site your sources.

Be specific.

2. Analysis- What art elements (line, shape, color, texture, pattern, space, form, value) and what Principles of Design/composition are evident (rhythm, movement, balance, emphasis, unity, variety, repetition) did the artist use. What artistic skills, techniques and compositional were used by Raphael?

3. Interpretation- What is the meaning, message, metaphors, and symbolism that is
contained in the work. What was the purpose of the work or implied purpose? This
should be your longest paragraph because there is so much to cover. USE THE VIDEO and website TO HELP YOU WRITE THE INTERPRETATION.

4. Judgment – Do you think the work is successful or no. Explain your opinion but use actual facts or images in the work to back up your opinion. Be specific, use more than one reason to support your claim and write in a persuasive manner.