How does O’Brien’s listing technique work as a narrative-That is, how do the lists work to tell a story?

Literary Analysis of Poem with Secondary Sources


After reading “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien, find two scholarly literary criticism secondary sources from the UC Library (scholarly journal articles, books, or ebooks) about “The Things They Carried,” and work into your essay at least one piece of evidence from each of the two secondary sources to support your analysis.

Write a literary analysis essay as usual, but this time incorporate something you have learned from each of the two secondary sources and properly cite the information you use, but still focus on addressing the following three prompts and support your claims with evidence cited from “The Things They Carried” (the primary source).


How does O’Brien’s listing technique work as a narrative?

That is, how do the lists work to tell a story? What is it about the lists that make them a story rather than mere lists? Cite at least two pieces of evidence from the assigned primary source to support your answer.

So much emphasis is placed upon specific “things” and the burden of their weight, what else are the soldiers burdened with?

That is, what are the non-tangible burdens the soldiers carry? Cite at least two pieces of evidence from the assigned primary source to support your answer