How do you plan to get there? Why is your goal important to you-We tend to write better about things that are personal to us.

Dylan Crosby personal essay

Essay 1 Personal Essay – Admiral William H. McRaven Make Your Bed

Personal Essay – can you relate to Chapter 1 and 10 in Admiral William H. McRaven’s Make Your Bed? How? Can what the Admiral says in these two chapters give you encouragement in working toward your future goals/career? In your essay, write about your personal goals.

How do you plan to get there? Why is your goal important to you?  We tend to write better about things that are personal to us. Think about Admiral McRaven and his hard work to reach his goals. Can he be an inspiration to you in achieving your dreams, hopes – whatever is important to you?

This is not a “story.” You are not to use dialogue (characters speaking to each other). Pick a topic and write about the topic – your goals.

Use the Worksheet and Directions below to write your essay.