When did the issue originate? What conditions led to the development of the issue? How have these conditions changed over time? What is the current nature of the issue? What are the barriers to resolution?

The aim of the first discussion post is to explore the issue. Include the following components in your first discussion post.
1. Frame the Issue:
a. Clearly articulate the issue. How does this issue impact the health of women and
children? Why is this issue important to nursing? 2. Analyze the issue:
a. Review 3 peer reviewed articles and/or policy papers that discuss the issue. Briefly summarize the key points presented in each article/document. In your post consider commenting on the following guiding questions:
i. When did the issue originate? What conditions led to the development of the issue? How have these conditions changed over time? What is the current nature of the issue? What are the barriers to resolution?
3. References
a. Attach a reference list in APA format to your discussion post. Please only include references that can be obtained in full text online through the library or internet. References should include 3 sources (Include policy documents and peer reviewed articles only).
4. Length
a. Maximum 600 words (not including references).
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