What are their motives-what decisions have they made-what failure-mistakes have they made-what decisions have they made, etc.?

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

You should use the following sections as a guide for your report:

1. Introduction

For your introduction paragraph, you should including the following:
a. A hook is the first sentence that sets the tone for your report. The hook should give the reader
a sense of the topic you are writing about and why it is interesting.
b. Background information – Depending on your entrepreneur, you might include a brief description of the type of entrepreneurship they are involved with and a summary of key learnings and recommendations.
c. Topic statement – A sentence or two that sums up your overall argument.

2. Entrepreneur Background and Views

a. Describe the entrepreneur’s background, such as their educational background, family history,relationships with others, etc.
b. Describe what type(s) of entrepreneurship and culture have they experienced.
c. Identify some characteristics they believe make successful entrepreneurs
d. Consider asking them provoking questions on their thoughts on entrepreneurship, such as
i. How would you define entrepreneurship?
ii. Do you think entrepreneurs are made or born?
3. Entrepreneurship Evolution
a. An entrepreneur evolution. What are their motives, what decisions have they made, what failure or mistakes have they made, what decisions have they made, etc.?
b. Challenges and opportunities of being an entrepreneur
c. How has technology driven their innovation

4. Key Lessons

a. Identify two or three key lessons you have learnt through your entrepreneur interview.
Consider how theory or concepts you have read differ from the reality of the entrepreneur’s experience.

5. Conclusion

a. Draw upon the lessons from the entrepreneur and explain how you could become more entrepreneurial as a result of your interview. You should address how the findings of the interview apply or are meaningful to you. What did you learn or discover that has meaning for your own future plans?

6. Appendix

a. You will need to include an appendix section. You should attach a list of your interview questions