What do you notice about the power dynamic in this scene-Specifically, what kinds of questions does the doctor ask? What instances of directives, blocking-patronizing behavior do you notice?

Patient-Provider Communication

Watch the following clip from Mad Men. The scene takes place at an OBGYN’s office in the mid-1960s. Peggy has made an appointment to obtain a birth control prescription:

A)What do you notice about the power dynamic in this scene? Specifically, what kinds of questions does the doctor ask? What instances of directives, blocking, and patronizing behavior do you notice?

B) An alternative to the Mad Men scene above is a more collaborative, patient-centered model. Consider the patient’s role in this emerging model of care. What is your reaction to the tips for patients 60? As a patient, are these tips realistic and/or palatable to you? Why or why not?

Required text: Communicating About Health: Current Issues & Perspectives (6th edition) by Athena du Pre (2020).