Who the individual should report to at this point may vary based on the governing body of the organization.

APA code of Ethics in Psychology

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One issue that a client may experience lies within the assessment process. When receiving an assessment, the assessment should be conducted by a qualified individual. APA ethics code 9.07 states that unqualified individuals may only conduct assessments when undergoing supervised training (American Psychological Association, 2017). Leach and Oakland (2007) compared Ethics from various countries and found that a similar ethics code exists within the ethics codes of 11 other countries. This particular ethics code is important in the prevention of further ethical violations.

If an assessment is conducted by an unqualified individual, the result may be inaccurate. As a result, the patient may receive improper care. Improper care can result in financial hardships, mental anguish, and various other problems. The APA ethics code 9.07 aids in preventing such harm to patients (which violates ethical code 3.04). When this code is violated, it is unlikely to be resolved.

The best plan of action would simply be to follow the ethics code and only allow qualified individuals to perform assessments. If an assessment is provided by an unqualified individual the assessment process should be supervised to prevent error. However, if supervision does not occur, the assessment should be conducted again. While this is unlikely to occur, it is not impossible. Completing a second assessment is not necessarily guaranteed to correct the complications of inaccurate results from a previous assessment.

Finally, if it is evident that such an act has occurred, the individual should report the violation. While an informal approach may be the first step, it may not be the last. Should the provider not correct the violation, the individual may report to a higher up. Who the individual should report to at this point may vary based on the governing body of the organization. Thus, while this ethical violation could (and should) be prev