Does Drexel have a competitive advantage-disadvantage (in which sectors?)-what are threats-opportunities?

Drexel University’s strategy

Written assignment on Drexel’s strategy. This assignment requires each student to compile Drexel’s strategy in the form of an activity map and a short paper (up to 1,000 words) of Drexel’s strategic positioning along the lines of Porter’s “What is Strategy”. In particular, the paper should include

(1) a brief description of the industry that Drexel find itself in,

(2) an discussion of how Drexel positions itself vis-a-vis other close competitors,

(3) A discussion of Drexel’s core and peripheral activity choices and how they fit or don’t fit together.

(4) Does Drexel have a competitive advantage or disadvantage (in which sectors?) and what are threats and opportunities?

Format: up to 1,000 words (excluding references and figures).