Describe what you find challenging about working in the industry-What do you do to continue professional growth in the field?

Interview Reflection

A. Interview with local professional who has a degree in psychology and/or is working in the field (Can be in person, video chat, or over the phone).

a. Ideas for an appropriate candidate include those working at sites that would be approved for internship, including:

• Childcare, Adult care, or Assisted Living centers
• Church settings (youth groups, children’s church, celebrate recovery, etc.)
• Hospital psychiatric units
• Counseling Agencies
• School guidance offices
• Social Services
b. Questions to consider:
• Name, Job title, degree
• Describe your job duties
• Describe what you find fulfilling about working in the industry.
• Describe what you find challenging about working in the industry.
• What do you do to continue professional growth in the field?
• Recommendations for a student pursuing work in the field.

B. Student will write a 2-3 page paper reflecting the details of the interview and what he/she learned through the assignment (reflection).

C. Paper should be in current APA format (title page, headers, headings).

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.