Why do people still get behind the wheel intoxicated-What are current statistics?

Operating Under the Influence

Research Paper Instructions

Write a scholarly paper on Operating While Under the Influence that is a minimum of 8-10 pages in length (8-10 pages excluding the title page, abstract, and reference page.)

What direction you take with the topic is up to you, as long as it relates to Operating While Under the Influence.

Why is it such a problem and what is the solution? Are States strict enough with their laws, why are people with 4th,5th,6th, offenses, and beyond allowed to drive? Is it a cultural problem? In an age when there is Uber, Lyft, and an abundance of public transportation,

why do people still get behind the wheel intoxicated? What are current statistics? These are just some areas the paper could go, but it is completely up to you what direction you choose.