Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” argues that the Chinese methods of parenting produce smarter-more successful children.

Essay 2: Rhetorical analysis assignment.

3 + pages/800 plus words

In George Orwell’s famous story “Shooting An Elephant,” the narrator – Orwell – sets out to shoot an elephant in rural Burma, despite having grave reservations about it. The story has many facets, as it discusses the problems with peer pressure, as well as the problems with imperialism. For this assignment you will write a 3 page paper about George Orwell’s “Shooting An Elephant,” in which you analyze the rhetorical strategies he uses to make his point.

This paper is not a summary. Do not summarize the text and then tell me what it means. Also, it is not a research paper: you do not need to look outside the text for sources or evidence, nor do you need to cite any quotes.

To begin, the paper should explain what the overall argument of the story is. It should include a thesis that says what you think are the most important rhetorical strategies – that is, the ones that make this writing powerful, and drive home his point.

Next, following your thesis, you will detail passages in the text that support your claim, using quotes or paraphrases.

Finally, you will say whether you think the argument is persuasive, and why.

Example (with Amy Tan):

Amy Tan’s article “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” argues that the Chinese methods of parenting produce smarter and more successful children. In order to make this point, she uses her own experience with her daughter Lulu, as well as recounting a number of incidents and rules that she believes prove her point, and she writes in forceful, commanding sentences that don’t allow for disagreement.

Chua’s argument rests on her own credibility as a law professor and mother of two successful children, but her idea of success seems to rest only on good grades and musicianship, and her remarks often sound racist. Although she makes many good points, since she comes off as an unpleasant person, she is not always convincing.