What does professionalism mean to Canadian health professionals-patients?

IPHE101 ORIANTATION TO CANADIAN HEALTHCARE Module 4 – Professionalism, Reflective Practice and Lifelong Learning

Professionalism, Reflective Practice and Lifelong Learning

Learning Objective 1

To successfully complete this Learning Outcome, you should be able to explain and demonstrate an understanding of professionalism and the organizations that are regulatory bodies or professional associations.

Lesson Presentation

This module examines the principles and elements of professionalism, including the attributes of professionals and the importance of reflective practice.  The role of regulatory bodies in organizing health professions is discussed, and standards of practice and reporting requirements are highlighted.  The importance of lifelong learning is explored, and the concept of inter-professionalism is revisited.

By the end of this module, you will be able to answer the following questions:

What does professionalism mean to Canadian health professionals and patients?

How are health professions regulated in Canada?

What is lifelong learning and why is it important in Canadian healthcare practice?

What is reflective practice and why is it important?